Type conversions between Rust and Glib

Conversions in methods

Consider a method like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
class Foo {

impl Foo {
    virtual pub fn my_method(&self, an_int: u32, a_string: &str) -> bool;

If this were C code, we would be using a prototype like this:

gboolean my_method(Foo *foo, guint an_int, const char *a_string);

Here, the Rust types are not the same as the C-side Glib types:

  • bool / gboolean
  • u32 / guint
  • &str / char *

These conversions of values can be done with the ToGlib and FromGlib family of traits in glib-rs. However, we need to convert the types as well, so that we can generate trampolines.

Extern functions for methods

What does a virtual method look like in GObject? It is a function pointer inside a class structure. The method above would be something like

struct FooClass {
    GObjectClass parent_class;
    gboolean (* my_method)(Foo *foo, guint an_int, const char *a_string);

By convention, C code implements a public function that calls this virtual method by dereferencing the function pointer:

foo_my_method (Foo *foo, guint an_int, const char *a_string) 
    FooClass *klass = FOO_GET_CLASS(foo);
    (* klass->my_method) (foo, an_int, a_string);

This function does the following:

  • Given a foo instance, find its class structure.

  • Dereference the klass->my_method function pointer and call into it.

Language bindings expect this public function to be present: they call into it so that the function can do its own argument checking and so on. The gnome-class code generator must generate an ABI-compatible function as a pub unsafe extern "C" fn. We do this in imp::extern_methods:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn #ffi_name(this: *mut #InstanceNameFfi,
    -> #output

    let klass = (*this).get_class();
    // We unwrap() because klass.method_name is always set to a method_trampoline
    (klass.#name.as_ref().unwrap())(this, #args)

Note that this function: a) takes a raw pointer to an FFI struct for the instance on which the method is being called; b) calls a function pointer inside the klass vtable, with C types for arguments. In effect, this is as if we had written a C function that just calls the function pointer inside the vtable.


So far, we have a Rust method function callable from C, that calls a function pointer with C types. We need to do a few things to glue this nicely to Rust code:

  • Go from the this (a raw pointer to an FFI instance structure) in the function above, to a Rust &self.

  • Convert C types from arguments into Rust types, with glib-rs.

This is what a trampoline does: it converts the arguments and obtains the &self. We generate trampolines in imp::instance_slot_trampolines:

Argument conversions

Given a function signature like

virtual pub fn my_method(&self, an_int: u32, a_string: &str) -> bool;

we need to generate a few things:

  • The return type as a Glib type, i.e. bool gets translated to gboolean.

  • Input arguments but with Glib types, i.e. an_int: u32, a_string: &str gets translated to an_int: u32, a_string: *const libc::c_char.

  • Just the list of Rust types, i.e. u32, &str for use in a Fn closure declaration: Fn(&Self, u32, &str) that doesn't have argument names.

  • Each argument value converted from a Rust type to a Glib type: <u32 as ToGlib>::to_glib(&an_int), <&str as ToGlibPtr>::to_glib_none(a_string).

  • Each argument value converted from a Glib type to a Rust type: <u32 as FromGlib<_>>::from_glib(an_int), <&str as FromGlibPtrBorrow<_>>::from_glib_borrow(a_string).

  • etc.

Our representation of a method or signal signature is hir::FnSig. It provides methods like output_glib_type() or input_args_to_glib_types() that generate the conversions above. This is done by wrapping the FnSig's fields into helper types, and then those helper types have impl ToTokens; those implementations generate the appropriate code.