High-level Internal Representation

Constraining Rust features to GObject features

GObject's methods may look like normal function definitions, but they do not support all the features that full-fledged Rust functions (or trait methods) have: GObject doesn't support generics or attributes, and it supports a limited set of argument types — specifically, only types that can be represented by GObject Introspection.

So, while the AST directly uses syn::FnArg for function arguments in ast::ImplItemMethod, we "limit" their features by creating a custom hir::FnArg type that only supports the following:

// this is in hir/mod.rs
pub enum FnArg<'ast> {
    SelfRef(Token!(&), Token!(self)),
    Arg {
        mutbl: Option<Token![mut]>,
        name: Ident,
        ty: Ty<'ast>,

pub enum Ty<'ast> {
    Owned(&'ast syn::Path),

That is, a function argument is either &self or a named argument of a limited set of possible types, and no attributes/generics/etc.

Similarly, hir::FnSig only supports what GObject function signatures support, and not everything that is present in a Rust syn::FnSig.