
Gnome-class obtains a TokenStream from the Rust compiler in the entry point for the procedural macro, and parses that stream of tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). We use the syn crate for the parsing machinery: it is able to parse arbitrary Rust code, and allows creating new parsers for our extensions to the language.

Overview of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

The AST is defined in src/ The AST is intended to match the user's code pretty much verbatim. For example, consider a call like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
gobject_gen! {
    class Counter {
        f: Cell<u32>

    impl Counter {
        pub fn add(&self, x: u32) -> u32 {
            self.get_priv().f.set(self.get() + x);

        pub fn get(&self) -> u32 {

First, there is the actual invocation of the gobject_gen! macro. It has two items, a class and an impl. Even though Rust does not have a class item by itself, we use the same terminology to indicate that this is a toplevel thing in the user's code. (FIXME: replace "thing" with something more meaningful?)

The contents of the gobject_gen! invocation will be parsed into the following; see src/ for the actual definitions of these structs/enums:

Program {
    items: [
            Class {
                name: Ident("Counter"),
                extends: None,
                fields: FieldsNamed {
                  brace_token: Brace,
                  named: Punctuated { /* the "f: Cell<u32>" field goes here */ }

            Impl {
                trait_: None,
                self_path: Ident("Counter"),
                items: [
                    ImplItem {
                        attrs: [empty vector],
                        node: ImplItemKind::Method(
                            ImplItemMethod {
                                public:   true,
                                virtual_: false,
                                signal:   false,
                                name:     Ident("add"),
                                inputs:   Punctuated {...},
                                output:   ReturnType, // u32
                                body:     Some(Block {...}),

                        node: ImplItemKind::Method(
                            ImplItemMethod {
                                public:   true,
                                virtual_: false,
                                signal:   false,
                                name:     Ident("get"),
                                inputs:   Punctuated {...},
                                output:   ReturnType, // u32
                                body:     Some(Block {...}),

Whew! Fortunately, within the parsing functions we only need to deal with one thing at a time, and not the entire tree of code.

In summary: the macro call that looks like

gobject_gen! {
    class Counter {
        ... field definitions for the per-instance private struct ...

    impl Counter {
        ... two method definitions ...

gets parsed into

Program {
    items: [
            Class {
                name: Ident("Counter"),
                items: a syn::Punctuated that contains
                       an f member of type Cell<u32> ...

            Impl {
                self_path: Ident("Counter"),
                items: [ 
                    ... two ImplItemKind::Method ...

That is, we parse the invocation above into. a Program with two items, an Item::Class and an Item::Impl. In turn, each of these items has a detailed description of the corresponding constructs.

The parsing process

Gnome-class uses the syn crate to parse a TokenStream into our AST structures. To define a parser for SomeStruct, one creates an impl Synom for SomeStruct. The Synom trait has a parse method; Syn provides a set of parser combinators that let one "fill out" the resulting structs by recursively parsing their fields.

Parser combinators are recursive-descent parsers that let one compose big parsers from small parsers. Syn implements parser combinators with macros similar to the nom crate. We won't go into a full description of how syn works here, and just focus on the peculiarities of gnome-class. (FIXME: link to syn/nom docs)

The parsing code — the bunch of impl Synom and parser combinators that gnome-class uses — is in parser/

We define parsers for the constructs in the gobject_gen! macro that are not normally part of Rust, like the class item and the signal keyword. In the deep part of these structures, we use plain Syn structs like syn::FnArg to represent function arguments, or syn::Ident for identifiers.